About Us

Who we are

NKMZ PJSC as a traditional supplier of rolling rolls and parts of metallurgical equipment for European metallurgical plants and corporations, had decided in 2015 to open an official representative office, NKMZ Central Europe s.r.o. in Europe (Prague, Czech Republic), which officially acts on behalf of NKMZ PJSC.


The main objectives of the company NKMZ Central Europe s.r.o. is the improvement of communications with customers, the optimization of logistics and the establishment of mutually acceptable conditions for financial relations, as well as the establishment and development of cooperation with new customers.


NKMZ Central Europe s.r.o. is not an intermediary or sales agent of the plant, but is its official and authorized representative for working with key customers.


The work of this company will provide you with the following advantages, which will certainly positively affect the quality of cooperation:


  • Legal liability – the company NKMZ Central Europe s.r.o., being a 100% European legal entity, acts exclusively in the legal field of the European Union, in accordance with the law and current regulatory documents regulating trade and economic relations in the European Union.
  • Representation in Europe – in contrast to the complex and lengthy process of coordinating the business trip of PJSC NKMZ technical or commercial specialists to metallurgical plants in the case of working with NKMZ Central Europe s.r.o. specialists will be sent on demand without any delays or difficulties,
  • Deferred payment – NKMZ Central Europe s.r.o. is ready to provide and confirm to you the most interesting terms of payment without any problems, namely a deferred payment of 90 calendar days from the date of shipment,
  • DDP terms of delivery – NKMZ Central Europe s.r.o. can deliver the contracted products for your company with customs clearance on the terms of DDP delivery.
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